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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Morning Journal Entry 2/29/2012

  •   I am a little tired. We woke up and then fell back asleep.I had kind of a weird dream but I normally do when I fall asleep after it is light outside. The last part of my dream was about moving to Oregon. I was alone again, just the kids and I. My dad was with me. Then I was trying to call my mom and ended up calling Sharon instead. She was really rude to me and said "no, I'm am not in need of a psychic medium" and hung up on me. Obviously there are some worries about rejections from friends who are extremely religious. We all must walk our own path. Sometimes path's are not got a good fit for another and one must break the ties. So if she ever feels like she needs to with me because of who I am then I will let her leave in love and peace. A part of me has already left though, when she lumped psychics with being creatures "evil". Maybe there is a small part of me wondering if I am on the right path but Jesus never followed the masses either.He taught the love of God. When I meditate and feel the energy that I felt last night, I know within the core of my being that this is truth and this is what we are supposed to evolve to. Jesus understood God's love, and the depth of it. If I am experiencing this I can only imagine what he knew. But he never back down. He died trying to show us God's love. He was brought down for that specific reason. Whoa! I was just focusing on Jesus and his picture on the candle on the night stand and a black orb just got out from the top of the dresser. The energy feels so much lighter now. Thank you Jesus!
    It makes me wonder how many of us who are sent down here for that reason. So many Angels, humans, fairies to keep the balance. Religion has always been such a strong belief that people go to war over it, which seems to defeat the entire purpose,lol. Bu, it not my battle. My job is to continue down this path and to embrace the love of God and to spread it. I had an awesome meditation last night. Hmmm, I am picking up another spirit. This one feels human, female, sad. I was told right now by Jesus that more will be coming. There is so much peace and love in this room right now.
       I've been learning the balance. It's one lesson that must be experienced, but aren't they all. I wondered how a fierce love could bring both strength and peace and last night I saw that it could. I can't explain how it is done, but it is. But the key is that the fierceness of that love, the catalyst is not fear, it's power brought on by that love. Just like when I left Pennsylvania with my kids. The driving force for that was not anger for my ex, that happened later, it was love for my children and doing everything in my power to make sure we would survive. There was power and strength brought on by my love for them. Last night I was able to experience that on a greater scale. It's an amazing feeling. There was no feelings like I was merely a tool, I was simply one with that energy. I received it and sent it out, like one unit. There was no separation. There was no doubt, there was no second guess. The Divine spoke, the Divine showed me and I merely followed the guidance within and without. I also understand the other side a little bit better now, looking hindsight. The power of the Divine, or should I say the power of the light is dependent upon the combined energy of all and working together as one powerful supernatural unit, unity is essential . The power of the lower realm is selfish and depends on the power of oneself.
        Jesus wasn't kidding when he was telling us about the power we have access to. I write copy and paste what happened last night, though it will do no justice compared to the actual experience. It's all beginning to make sense. The whole and how to use all the abilities as a whole. There was no thought or even wondering which ability to tap into first. All I did was let go. Immediately, I astral projected to certain places where he spoke to me and I could hear him, showed me people and I knew what energy needed to be sent and them moved on to the next, it just flowed and my spirit flowed with it, free, without restraint, without conscious thought, without doubt, just pure Divine energy in form. I hope one day I can put into words the experience or be able to help someone be able to experience this as well.
        However, with knowledge comes responsibility, all that I describe is done through Divine presence. I guess that it why it is hidden within until we are ready to understand it, for the only access to it is through Divine love. This is probably why Jesus said that the dark has no control over us. It's not a conscious choice, it's pure Divine presence. The same energy that spirits feel when they cross over I am sure. Everyday I learn more.
      Anyway's, here is my journal entry from last night. In no way does this do any justice, and may not even make any sense, but I will post it anyway's.

    My Lord, what shall I do today? He gently smiles and shows me the earth and all of the people. "Take your pick. There is so much to be done." I see visions of pain, despair, hopelessness and sickness. As a Priestess, it is my duty to serve. I have been called and I am willing to respond. My service is to God. Tonight I send peace and love to the land of Syria and then to the earth.
    As I travel, I become one with the energy of love and peace. I am one with Divine light and energy. I am one with night sky as my wings take me to where I need to go. I travel to the land of Syria and the to Germany. Such beauty and peace. People's faces come to me, those who are brought forth in order to bring healing and comfort throughout the night. The energy flows around them and surrounds them with that which is needed at the moment. The human needs are often like the ocean tides, they come and then leave again, to come back with yet another need. I know who I am now and what I am capable of achieving for the good of all. We are all given powerful gifts and which, if used divinely create miracles for others near and far. I thank thee oh Lord for your precious gift that is shared. Thank you for allowing me to experience the depths of both humanity and that of your precious love and light. In this realm I feel both your power and strength fueled by only love. Your love is fierce, yet so gentle. In your eyes, none are unworthy of that love. Your love transcends all understanding. There is nothing you would not do to make sure that love is given and shown and you have chosen us to carry that love within and to give that love to others. I am slowly beginning to understand and in this moment I can see it, feel it. None are denied your presence nor are they denied your love.

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