My views of the ascension or rapture or whatever you choose to call it, for me has changed. Most people believe that we will eventually hit a state of perfection in which time we will stay in heaven or "Utopia" for ever. For me, it seems to be a continious cycle of being born, living, dying and then choosing. this is where it get's complicated. Since i was raised christian, i still hold some of the christian beliefs, but in different way's. I think when we die we choose to cross over or stay "earth-bound" , meaning we are not ready to restart "the cycle". When we stay earthbound, we are seperated from the light because we have choosen not to go where we are supposed to and this has alot to do with attachments, lack of closure, or whatever, it vary's depending on that person's choice. If this person chooses to stay, they are no longer protected under the higher realm and will remain in this state until they are ready to cross over. when they finally do cross over, i think they have more choices. Like they stay in the light or heaven, whatever maybe even a state of limbo for awhile until they choose to come back. some will come back immedietly, some will wait for soul families and other's will come back as guides to pass on the knowledge thet they have learned thus far, ect. Then the cycle repeats it'sself, but no cycle or situation is ever the same because things are always changing even the evolution of the soul. We were born with the need to constantly change and to learn and to grow and i don't think this will ever end, whether it be here on earth or utopia. I don't think there is such as thing as perfection because we will always have our human nature and will never gain the same status as our creator. Who's to say the "All" isn't growing and learning as well, experiencing new things, ect. and maybe the meaning for perfection is simply getting to a state of love , cmpassion, forgiveness and balance, being able to tame the darkness and shedding the desire for earthly things? I know it sounds crazy, but i gusees for me, the thought of perfection or everyone living in heaven or utopia as perfect beings only signifies and end, because once that is complete, then what, we sit up there being happy and perfect? we stop learning. When we get to the point of where we stop evolving and we go as far as we can, then our mission is complete and this marks the end, but since the soul never dies, it must change, where, into the "collective? We are to individual for that, we are goverened by free will, we're not Borg's from Star Trak, we're individuals. many will disagree, and that's ok, because nobody knows for certain anyway's. Some say we will know when we get there, but this cycle has been repeated so many times and we still don't know. Maybe there is no end, maybe when we are finally done, it's because we choose not to learn anymore. who know's, if there is no time in the afterlife or up above, who's to say we don't continuiously ascend and decend? Maybe we are given this pass to ascend above because we have choosen the path of the light and we learn from above and below. I do believe in a supreme being, i always will, but i'm now discovering the depth of free will and how it dousn't get taken away when we loose our earthly bodies. My point is is that i don't believe the cycle of learning , discovering and growing ever stops. And time dousn't exsist in this state of heaven, then it's easy to see the past, present and future as a contunious thing, and forever is infinatly, because those wrods describe time and there is no time. I think our ability to descend has very little to do with judgement and more of a choice, because if God, or the higher being knows love, is love and light , then he will have full understanding of our human nature and i think he allows us to choose the love and light or the darkness and when we are ready then we can go "to the light". if this makes any sense. Everything is engineered and already programmed within our souls, and our souls know the duality, it's part of our make-up, we have an intimate understanding of each side, but much of it is hidden and lost within our conscious minds when we are born. But the bottomline is "we choose", i know some believe in Christ as God's son and some believe he was a great prophet, whatever your personal belief is, he states that the kingdom of heaven in not above, but within, and if you look at the teachings of many other prophets and guru's, spiritually "enlightened" they will tell you the same thing, so heaven and hell may not be a physical place but more of a place of being. I still believe there are different spiritual dimentions because we can barely co-exsist on earth,lol, but i think we walk in between the veils, hell even now some of do it, which means we are are capable of it, so who's to say we won't be able to cross those veils when our bodies no longer exsist? again, this is where the "passes" are given, like your heart or soul has to be in a certain place before veil or door can be opened. it's complicated but instead of looking at it like school and each dimension is higher and higher to utopia, i look at it as a cooridor with a million doors and when we learn certain things we are handed the key to that door and are allowed access to it. other's are off limits until we find the other key's because we may not be ready to enter it. and i've rambeled on forever, however, i don't claim this to be " truth" but it's my truth and your job is to find your own spiritual truth , this is simply an opinion. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to enlightenment where ever that journey takes you
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