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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Today is the last day of the dark moon and tomarrow begins a brand new month. The slate is before me, so what am I going to draw?
I did some research online AGAIN, about going back into doing the "phone psychic" thing, but my heart really isn't into it. I've done this before and it brought little to no joy to me. People spend alot of money on readings and not only do you have to be at being a psychic, you have to be able to bend your own rules "to make the customer happy". The type of readings I do are not "feel good" readings, they are meant to dive deeper within and to truly help. On the forums and when I had my show, this fulfilled me because for the most part it really did help people. It felt good, but I can't make a living if I don't charge, so there is a little problem here.
I do have a web-site and have only had 1 purchase fro a reading, which went very well and it was for a friend. This way seems to be more ethical and more "real". I don't want to be some fast food psychic who will promise the world by giving out common sense advice. It's just not me.

So I look at alternatives. I have gone to many sites that appear to be more successful and people flock to these like mad. Sure I could probably market this as well and make alot of money off of someone else's theories and thoughts, but I don't even believe in half the crap they teach, yet it's the "popular" way to spirituality and people are making a killing off of this, I can't do this, by ignoring my soul, i ignore who I am.
  I can't "sell a product" if i don't even believe it myself and I know this, yet, i have a hard time getting past the lifestyles of others.
   I know I need to make a decision and it's hard when different parts of my wants different things. I want what other people want and provide this to my family, but I won't sell my soul for it, nor would I intentionally cause harm to others.  But I need a vision, a direction. Most of the information given to me is free and I don't really feel i have the right to charge others for that, or to charge others for the use of my abilities, for this was given to me to keep and to use to God's highest will. I think the best thing for me to do is to tap into some of my other interests, such as writing stories and books and keeping everything else on a donation level.
I'm not sure what I should do at the momet but I do feel that I should just follow my heart and leave our finances up to God, he will provide what we need. i just need to take those steps forward and see where he takes it.
I think my goals for this month is to focus a little more time on my writing. I have a children's book that I sold to a web-site, but I got to keep all the rights. I think it's time to get ready and take my furry little friend to the market and spend a little more time connecting with God and maybe sharing this experience on youtube or something. I will also take this month to try and find a more concrete route in life and in my career path.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Sacred Act of God

  Today is the dark moon and normally a time to take a break from our busy magickal cycles. For me, I've been taking a break for quite some time and feel that this is not the time to rest but harvest the power that has been lying dormant inside for so long. As the earth follows the cycle of the year, our lives also follow cycles, unfortunately it doesn't always follow the cycle of the earth, but the cycle within our selves.
  This last cycle has been dark and cold. The winter storms have been harsh as ice and snow fought to keep my soul frozen in regret, depression and fear. I often tell people to honor the winter's in our lives for they bring with them important lessons, but somehow I failed to do this myself. I spent so much time in the darkness that I forgot what it's like to walk in the light. My connection to God, to this earth and to all of it's beauty was lost.
  The whole time I never saw the purpose of this, why someone must walk among the dead when they are still alive. Barely alive, yet alive still. But some of the most difficult lessons are meant to be difficult, because without the dark we could not see the light. It's these times that force us to see the things we would not otherwise see and to make choices that we would not otherwise choose, to fix what we could never see was broken.
  On this dark moon I honor all the storms that threatened to destroy me over the past few years. I accept this as a gift from nature, from the one above, from the "All That Is", for through these trials I realize that I am alive, I am protected and I am powerful. I lost this when I lost touch with the sacredness of everything around me.
  I know my turning point, in fact I can pin-point the day, and something within me knew the consequences, yet I still made a choice. I was torn between obligation and and my own desires. I was on top of the world doing great things to help other's. I talked to Angels, working side by side to bring people the messages of hope and love, but somewhere along the way, I no longer looked at this gift as a gift but as a tool that denied me the same love and support that was given to other's. I didn't understand why I felt that way, all I knew is that I spent much of my life alone. Even when I was surrounded by several people, inside I walked my path alone. To be called to do such beautiful and sacred work, I allowed my own jealousy to get in the way. Though I understood the need of other's and I had no problems stepping up to help, all I really wanted was to feel that the same love and compassion that they sent through me to the other people, I wanted some of that for me to. The funny thing about being an Empath is that we can feel the extent of that love being shared to others and it's such a beautiful feeling, and feeling the love God so deeply over and over again and knowing that it wasn't for me but for the other person being helped, i felt so unloved, like i was nothing more than an old rusty hammer in a toolbox that was brought out everytime someone needed something and then thrown away again.
  It felt so wrong for who am I to demand anything from the God that provides everything. Yet, I became bitter. Not that I felt that I should get more, simply the same as everyone else, yet I felt like simply like a tool that was used and nothing else. Like I had a purpose, yet no significance, no individuality, like I was being used. The feeling felt wrong but the logic made perfect sense.
  He sent me 3 angels, 2 Archangels and my Guardian. I saw them and felt there love, and it was for me, noone else, yet I couldn't get passed my own self to truly see it. Things changed after that day. I lost something. I was blinded by my own pain that I no longer could see the light. Nothing felt sacred anymore. Again, I was alone. Everything spiritual has gone down hill ever since.
  We made a choice to move back to California. I knew it was the wrong choice but my husband needed to go back and try once again. This time we had a place to live and jobs, it should have seemed like heaven, but I was enveloped in darkness. It felt as God had taken his hand off of me and handed me over to the darker realms. I became suicidal and i called upon God so many times. Every time he sent more Angels to minister to me, yet it felt that they left as quickly as they came. I was drowning in despair. I have never been so low in my entire life. I knew other forces were playing upon my pain and this made me even more bitter and angry. 
  My gifts suddenly became my curse once again. I didn't have to walk in the shadows because the shadows came to me, beating me down with fear and depression. My weakest link was the spirit realm, my biggest curse was channeling the spirits of the dead, those who have chosen not to cross into the light, but to hide in the darkness being prey to the minions who weren't human. You never know what true hell is until you have experienced complete separation from God and live among the dark.
  My husband and I talked the other night about this. I ask him if I was responsible for all that has happened in my old town. When I was a teen, I played a game that involved astral projection and other metaphysical things. I was unaware of my abilities at that time, or at least unaware of what they were. I knew that this area had a type of spiritual nexus or portal. Little did I know at the time that we didn't open the portal, we WERE the portals. I'll go into this story another time. But I couldn't help but to feel that we opened a door there.
  I never really understood why the darkness always followed me. My first spiritual experience was when I was 5 and channeled my first spirit. The problem is that I had no idea I was doing it, until recently. this started me on my path and I felt like a target. Most mediums experience the lighter side of spirituality and the spirit realm, but since the beginning, I only experienced the dark. I know the evils  that dwell there and have fought it most of my life. They wait until I am at my most vulnerable point. It's difficult to explain without people thinking I'm completely nuts,lol. But he told me that my third eye was opened in the dark and I have spent so much time seeing the dark, that I need to return to the light and to open my eyes to the light. God doesn't need to show us anything because we are a part of him and were created to already know. But the darker forces, they want me to see them. They planted a seed in me many, many years ago and this is my greatest weakness. I know this to be true what he has said.
  I thought back on my life and how many times the Angels were actually there when I didn't notice. From the time of my first channel to the last night I played the game, to the multiple attacks in cali. By writing this blog now, I now see where I went wrong. I see why I became lost and now see what it is that I have actually lost. I have lost the connection to the sacred. Everything is sacred and yet I don't honor these things. They may not be sacred to other people, but these things are sacred to me. God looks at us as sacred, because he is sacred and we are his children, therefore making us sacred. We must honor not only God, but we must honor the things within us. I went through those trials because I made a choice to hang on to things that I knew would destroy me. It's not the emotions that did that, it was my unwillingness to let go and to make him prove to me his love. He has done this in so many way's, and only now have I figured this out. There is not ONE time that I can recall that he has not answered my call. Sure it may have not been what I was expecting, but he was there. This realization has allowed the ice and snow to melt around my heart and to see things as they truly are.
  As a Witch, As a Mystic, As a child of the Most High God, I honor the sacred love and understanding of God, I honor the gifts he has given to me and I am willing to dedicate my life to the work that God has chosen me to do. I honor the blessings that have been given to my family  and I honor the light within others as well as myself.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Breakfast With a Shaman

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I was out of town over the weekend for business. On Monday Morning, I was getting ready for work and flipped through the channels on the TV in my motel room and saw a woman televangelists which caught my attention. She talked about how the mouth speaks the truth from the heart. For instance when you get in a fight and say a whole bunch of things that you "didn't mean" yet there is part of you that truly felt that way?
We all have these moments which got me thinking. It brought back the debate on affirmations versus emotions, the Law of Attraction, and why it works for some and not others. My mind began to buzz with every question regarding this subject that could ever be asked. So I went outside to the patio area that overlooks a beautiful river.. I began to connect with the energy of the river and was soon filled with a quiet mind and much needed peace. . Water always seems to wash and cleanse my soul. Suddenly I saw a woman's body floating past me. I realized it was a vision and something bad had happened to this woman. Then I saw a young boy around the age of 5, in the river. The river had taken him during an accident. Immediately I saw several bodies began to float down stream and my peace was gone. For the first time, I saw and felt the dark side of the river and it made me ill. I didn't want to see it anymore so I went inside and got some breakfast. I was going to take it back to my room, but felt drawn to go back out to the river again. As I sat down , I heard a voice speak to me " Do not hate the river. Just as we take from nature, it must take back, but it duos not choose it's victims". I looked over and could sense 4 spirits sitting in the chair next to me, but only one spoke. He began to explain that there is balance in the universe. There is a light side and the dark side of everything, including within ourselves. He began to explain that the river represents our soul, our emotions and that it is very unpredictable. At times it is calm and peaceful, at other times it can be fierce and destructive. When a rainstorm hits, the waters begins to swell and can soon create a flash flood. I asked the shaman how we could control it.. He explained that we could not control the river. The river is our emotions, the rainstorm is our mind. It is the rainstorm that feeds the river. We learn, not to control it, but allow it to flow, and respect it. If it is a nice day outside and a rainstorm does come, you understand the potential dangers of the storm, so you prepare for it by moving away from the river. He showed me the little boy again, by allowing the river to consume you, you get swept away in the flood. I was a little confused at this point and then it was explained. Your mind is a mirror reflection of your emotions and it manifests those emotions into material things. "like attracts like". Meaning that you can attempt to say a whole bunch of things, but if you don't feel it, it's empty words. It won't manifest , because your emotions aren't there. This is why when someone jokingly says "I'm going to kill you". nothing manifests through that. This is also why affirmations only work for some people and not others. The Shaman went on to say that we should respect all aspects of our emotions, including the ones that we feel are negative. There is always balance. You cannot have just the light and ignore the dark, this will create an unbalance and possibly denial or repressed emotions. By respecting each emotion, when the rainstorm does hit, we are prepared. We know that we should not dabble to close to the river otherwise we could swept away and drown. Yet, we can allow it flow and take it's course so we are no fighting against it and allow it to continue to flow through and out of us. We prepare by simply knowing that this creates balance, we make choices on how we will respond to the storm which allows us to pass through the storm safely. I realized that thoughts do manifest, but only through the catalyst of our emotions, which is why when we are passionate about certain things, it will more likely to happen. It is not the mind, it the the emotion and will behind it. It is not the emotion that is bad, is it how we handle it. Do we respect it and allow it to run it's course and use it to create positive situations in our lives, or do we allow it to consume us? By understanding your emotions and knowing that this is where change truly begins, we are able to learn and grow, and are able to embrace both the blessings and hardships in life. We can create affirmations that truly work, for it comes directly from the heart. We change our thought process by coming up with ways to prepare for the storms. Many thanks to the Shamans in that area for their knowledge and wisdom.

What the Soul Desires

I forgot what I wrote on my last post, but I am taking some much needed quite time before the kids get up and get ready for school. Being that I homeschool now, my time is quite limited.
I wear so many hats and am torn between so many things that I often spend alot of time running around in circles trying to figure out my life purpose. So I often try to do several things all at once. I could literally come up with about 20 titles that would describe what I do, yet none of them really describes who I am.
I started  seriously researching psychic abilites about 6 years ago. It was then when I realized that I wasn't a freak of nature, but finally tapped into the one thing my soul had been running away from since childhood. Fate has a funny way of not allowing us to deny our true selves, no matter how much we try, or how many directions we go, it will always lead us back to our original path.
For awhile now, I have been torn. I have always wanted to have some type of career that made decent money and that made me feel that I have accomplished something. This desire has always pushed me to do more. I finally figured out what I wanted to do in life and the door closed on me several times. As with everything else, is has been a painful process. But as one door closes, another opens.
I have been doing psychic readings for awhile and I have noticed, like everything else in my life, that the fire burns out pretty quick and it becomes routine. I spent alot of time trying to break into the field professionally, and I know that the only thing stopping me is me. I enjoy helping people and have focused most of time on missing people. I don't feel like it is right to be like one of these "big-wig" psychics and charge $1,000.00 an hour for a reading that I can't guarentee will even help them. It just seems wrong to me and takes away the passion for what I do. I enjoy helping people and I know my life purpose revolves around this, but it's difficult when , in the back of my mind I want to be able to make a living. I know it's more then just a money thing, it's a soul thing.
I think part of my problem is the lack of passion. Though the passion still burns, it has simmered down a great deal. I feel a bit detached and ungrounded. I have been focusing my sights on a more spiritual path and who I am as a spiritual being, which has seem to have added to the confusion. Like a pattern of behaviour I always seem to have followed, but this time, the soul won't let me stop. There is so many things within myself, I can't focus on just one thing, it's like I have to do it all, and do it now. I became an ordained minister so that I could properly and legally give spiritual advice, but then it brought on an expectation of being a spiritual leader. I am torn by what the titile represents and obligation, versus the reason I got it to begin with. I'm beginning to understand that I am living to much under the labels and have fogotten how to simply allow things to flow. I think this goes back to feeling to need to accomplish a career, which is why I always feel torn.
I will probebly have more blogs like this, simply because it helps me figure things out. One of the greatest moments I have has that created balance between my gifts and spirituality is the time that I had breakfast with a Shaman. There is a blog about it on my web-site and will probebly re-post it here
I know that I will figure it out and will get back to where I need to be.

A Soul's Journey

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Today's been a yucky rainy day which always seems to get me down but always brings an opportunity for some introversion (hmmm, is that even a word?,lol). Usually when I get things down on paper it seems to give me more clarity. Today is one of those days when I think I could use all the clarity I could get.
  I spend alot of time analyzing my life. As each day goes by, I get older and I feel that if I spend to much time thinking I will run out of time to actually do the things I want to do. But my biggest problem is really deciding what it is that I want to do with my life. I see where this road has brought me and it has been a very long journey. I look at my life on where it is and where I invisioned I would be at this point in life, and it dousn't quite measure up. I think I followed in my dad's footsteps. My dad spent his entire life working towards one thing after another and putting so much energy into things just to watch it fall apart right in front of him. Sometimes, I think that the dreams only live within our imaginations and are not meant to be accomplished.
     My heart bleeds for my dad because I know the sting of failure. I know that his dreams are now dependent on me accomplishing what he could not, but I don't know if I can, for I have spent a lifetime with the same problem...failure and self-sabotage. The demons that seem to pass down from each generation have finally caught up to me and I see it seeping down into my children. The most dangerous kind , the kind that eats at the soul until there is nothing left but a shell.
  I've spent an entire lifetime running, running from what I really didn't know at the time. I know realize that I run from everything I fear.Ironically, people would tell me that I was the strongest person they knew, little did they know that I am afraid of everything. My strength didn't come from my ability to defeat the unknown but rather to hide behind the fortress of steel that I have been building since childhood.
   Five years back, I decided that it was time to tear the wall down and the floodgates , years  of repressed emotions, finally overcame and I have been drowning ever since. Instead of trampeling over everything life throws at me, I now cower in the corner like a small child waiting for the storm to pass.The wall is completely down and I have nowhere left to run and hide. I feel lost and I am faced with the truth  of that which is inside. How do you conquer something you can't see? How do you defeat yourself?
     Not all of it has been a curse, however. I understand who I am now. I understand my gifts are the greater purpose behind my exsistance. I'm beginning to understand that I may not be the person I always envisioned but I am the person I was created to be and all of the gifts I possess are simply manifestation of who I am deep inside. This is what we all manifest. It's not how much money we have or if we become employee of the month, president of the whatever, none of this matter's. We're no here on a life journey, but rather a soul journey. It seems like a very simple revelation, but when you truly find the strength to travel to the depths of the soul, it will seem like the coldest place in your entire being, the darkest space filled with pain and suffering but this is the core essence of who we are, and this is where our beauty truly shines and where our purpose lyes for everyone.And this is the only thing that matter's.

First Post

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Blog

WHOOHOO! This is my FIRST blog on Blogger and am so excited to be here. I actually signed up for the account a little while back but couldn't figure out how to change the template and I hated this one, so I ditched the blog and moved on to bigger and better things like YOUTUBE.
 See, not only am I a Psychic but I am also a DREAMER and have spent a lifetime chasing those dreams. I realized when I was younger that in order to make those dreams come true I'm going to have to work hard at it. The problem is is that working hard doesn't always pan out the way we would like, but that's ok because one great man invented the internet and no matter how lame my videos are or how stupid my blogs can get , I will always be a world famous psychic and dreamer..OK maybe not famous, but definitely worldwide.
    Oh yeah, back to YOUTUBE. So I started off as a talk show for Mystic Realm on Blog Talk Radio, but alot of things happened and I had to stop it for awhile. I recently decided to go back into and I get a message a day later telling me I have to pay if I still want my hour show. If not, then I get a 30 minute show at like midnight!! C'mon, who's going to want a FREE PSYCHIC READING at midnight!! So anyway's, i revamped my web-site and decided to go to Livestream. I wanted to start a show on Missing Children. As a psychic for the group FIND ME, this has inspired me to get more involved. So I spent 3 hours trying to make the show, but every 2 or so minutes the software would go kupooi on me and I was left with several 2-5 minute features on these children. So I chucked the whole idea out the window thinking that the universe had other plans, so I went to YOUTUBE and started my show there. The only thing is, is that instead of doing a show on missing children, I never really settled on a show , so my show, which should be labeled, the "Psychotic Ramblings of a Psychic" is now a bunch of random stuff.
    Looking back, my whole life is about random stuff, there is nothing consistent about me to include my eye color, hair color, skin color, ( you can't see it in the pic, but I have alot of red in my pale skin) and even my spitituality is all over the place. So I figured my blog should be under the same uniformed format.
     I can't promise what will be on here from day to day, sometimes I'm in "psychic mode" other times I'm in "haunted mode"  and other times the light begins to shine and I am in 'enlightened mode". But whatever mode I am in for the day, I can promise that nothing on this blog will ever be consistent.  But maybe I will add an Angel Message to each blog, so even when I'm in a "rambling about nothing mood" there can still be something to it.
   " Ok, ladies and Gent's , today's message is : Spend some time with a good laugh today. Laughter lightens the heart and lifts the mood.
   One suggestion would be to look up " face exercises on YOUTUBE. Seriously, you'll be laughing all day and may even get your boss to laugh a little , which is ALWAYS a good thing.

Blessed Be,
Mystic Angel

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Take On the Ascention

My views of the ascension or rapture or whatever you choose to call it, for me has changed. Most people believe that we will eventually hit a state of perfection in which time we will stay in heaven or "Utopia" for ever. For me, it seems to be a continious cycle of being born, living, dying and then choosing. this is where it get's complicated. Since i was raised christian, i still hold some of the christian beliefs, but in different way's. I think when we die we choose to cross over or stay "earth-bound" , meaning we are not ready to restart "the cycle". When we stay earthbound, we are seperated from the light because we have choosen not to go where we are supposed to and this has alot to do with attachments, lack of closure, or whatever, it vary's depending on that person's choice. If this person chooses to stay, they are no longer protected under the higher realm and will remain in this state until they are ready to cross over. when they finally do cross over, i think they have more choices. Like they stay in the light or heaven, whatever maybe even a state of limbo for awhile until they choose to come back. some will come back immedietly, some will wait for soul families and other's will come back as guides to pass on the knowledge thet they have learned thus far, ect. Then the cycle repeats it'sself, but no cycle or situation is ever the same because things are always changing even the evolution of the soul. We were born with the need to constantly change and to learn and to grow and i don't think this will ever end, whether it be here on earth or utopia. I don't think there is such as thing as perfection because we will always have our human nature and will never gain the same status as our creator. Who's to say the "All" isn't growing and learning as well, experiencing new things, ect. and maybe the meaning for perfection is simply getting to a state of love , cmpassion, forgiveness and balance, being able to tame the darkness and shedding the desire for earthly things? I know it sounds crazy, but i gusees for me, the thought of perfection or everyone living in heaven or utopia as perfect beings only signifies and end, because once that is complete, then what, we sit up there being happy and perfect? we stop learning. When we get to the point of where we stop evolving and we go as far as we can, then our mission is complete and this marks the end, but since the soul never dies, it must change, where, into the "collective? We are to individual for that, we are goverened by free will, we're not Borg's from Star Trak, we're individuals. many will disagree, and that's ok, because nobody knows for certain anyway's. Some say we will know when we get there, but this cycle has been repeated so many times and we still don't know. Maybe there is no end, maybe when we are finally done, it's because we choose not to learn anymore. who know's, if there is no time in the afterlife or up above, who's to say we don't continuiously ascend and decend? Maybe we are given this pass to ascend above because we have choosen the path of the light and we learn from above and below. I do believe in a supreme being, i always will, but i'm now discovering the depth of free will and how it dousn't get taken away when we loose our earthly bodies. My point is is that i don't believe the cycle of learning , discovering and growing ever stops. And time dousn't exsist in this state of heaven, then it's easy to see the past, present and future as a contunious thing, and forever is infinatly, because those wrods describe time and there is no time. I think our ability to descend has very little to do with judgement and more of a choice, because if God, or the higher being knows love, is love and light , then he will have full understanding of our human nature and i think he allows us to choose the love and light or the darkness and when we are ready then we can go "to the light". if this makes any sense. Everything is engineered and already programmed within our souls, and our souls know the duality, it's part of our make-up, we have an intimate understanding of each side, but much of it is hidden and lost within our conscious minds when we are born. But the bottomline is "we choose", i know some believe in Christ as God's son and some believe he was a great prophet, whatever your personal belief is, he states that the kingdom of heaven in not above, but within, and if you look at the teachings of many other prophets and guru's, spiritually "enlightened" they will tell you the same thing, so heaven and hell may not be a physical place but more of a place of being. I still believe there are different spiritual dimentions because we can barely co-exsist on earth,lol, but i think we walk in between the veils, hell even now some of do it, which means we are are capable of it, so who's to say we won't be able to cross those veils when our bodies no longer exsist? again, this is where the "passes" are given, like your heart or soul has to be in a certain place before veil or door can be opened. it's complicated but instead of looking at it like school and each dimension is higher and higher to utopia, i look at it as a cooridor with a million doors and when we learn certain things we are handed the key to that door and are allowed access to it. other's are off limits until we find the other key's because we may not be ready to enter it. and i've rambeled on forever, however, i don't claim this to be " truth" but it's my truth and your job is to find your own spiritual truth , this is simply an opinion. I wish you the best of luck on your journey to enlightenment where ever that journey takes you

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

RE: Context of a Spiritual Message

Here is a responce that I gave on one of my forums in regards to the context of a spiritual message.

I'm a little confused by the question myself.. sorry hun, but if your looking in regards to readings and if there is a specific format to how spirit communicates. If this is the case, Spirit will communicate differently in each reading and no two readings will be alike unless you tell spirit you need a specific format in order to understand it, and even then it may veer from that,lol. Here's what I do, I will usually connect to spirit and simply receive whatever information I get. If i get something that feel's important, then i will focus my attention on that one area to get more information. Sometimes it's quite clear and sometimes it's not, but you will go as far as you feel comfortable going. Let me see if I can explain this. Human emotions are like an onion and there are layers of it. When a reader dous a reading, they often pick up the energy on the outer layer of emotion. This is usually the easiest layer to get to because it is already exposed, and though it may expose some tramtic things or even great things about the person's life, it's usually a more generalization.This is where the alot of reader's get stuck. They often pick up this information and get caught up on the amazement of the person being reading that the focus of the reading is often lost. Sure the client is in awe and may even be happy to have someone "know" these things, but what they usually come for is some guidance and help which is often "forgotten". Spirit dousn't usually work on the first layer other then to help you sift through what area needs the most focus. For a professional this can be difficult because the client may have a simple question and you may pick up on other things. I'll come back to this. But anyway's, spirit usually guides you to where the person truly needs the message or guidance, which is usually at the core of the soul. After revealing the first layer, they are more likely to open up and allow you to get to the deeper layers. This is usually targeted in the area's that will matter most to the soul, such as love, feelings of inadequacy, and deeper-rooted experiences and emotions that may be the block for all areas of their life. How far you go will mostly depend on how far spirit wants you to go, or how far you want to go. Alot of reader's may not want to go that deep, but in order to truly help them and deliver the messages from spirit that they need, this is necessary. Sometimes you will find some resistance from the client, but usually once you hit this point, they want you to keep going, because their is usually a desire to heal. At this point, the emotions may come rushing out and they will spill everything. The whole point of the reading and the help they get may simply be halping them to unlock this part of themselves and listening to them while helping them through it. Usually, they will get a a certain point and stop, spirit will usually intervene at this part to give them their message which is often very simple, basic, loving and encouraging. These are the readings that matter and these are the readings that change people's lives. This works well with cold or general readings. For people who have a specific question, it's a bit easier to sift through these layer's, unless spirit has another agenda. you pretty much set the tone for every reading. If you are in a hurry , your mind isn't focused on helping, it's focused on a time limit which will effect your reading. If your sole purpose is to help , it will be easy to go through the layers and it will be like reading an open book. You won't please everyone, but that's ok, they may simply not be willing to deal with these things right now. Most people will go see a professional psychic because they want validation for their feelings. If they have their hopes on building a successful buisness and you see it crash and burn, they may not be willing to hear this or tell you you suck because they don't want to believe that they might fail. Again, this is really touchy about relationships. This is where your sensitivity and support can really help them for when they do come back validate your reading. anyway's i'm rambeling now,lol. but when giving messages from spirit, you have to willing to be flexable, to go into deeper territory of the soul and have the sole desire and focus of delivering that message in order for the reading to unfold the way it was intended. This may require you, often require you to travel past your own comfort level and discover the darker area's of your own soul . You will hit area's that are uncomfortable, see things that may make the average person's skin crawl, but this is the soul. By opening up your own soul to spirit, this will allow you to reach the souls of other's, and this is the core of having this ability and where real healing comes from. I hope this helps, but if i didn't answer your question, please feel free to ask
Blessed Be,

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I Don't Get It

It usually happens like this, in fact it never fails. People say that when you think negative about a certain thing, that either it will happen that way and it's no suprise because you already knew it would happen or you become pleasantly surprised. I've given up on thinking positive because every time I do shit just falls apart. I don't understand why life has to be so difficult. I've worked to so hard to keep the armour off, but it makes it nearly impossible for me to function emotionally. The walls kept me safe, now I have no refuge from the pain. I don't understand why things have to always get this way. I guesse I should get into what I'm rambeling about.
 My husband and I had a talk on Thursday Night. He continue a conversation we had two nights before his surgery about how close we are and how we continue to get closer. He's never opened his heart this much  and how he wants to open it more, to be even closer and stronger as a couple. He usually has a hard time expressing his feelings and this has been a sore spot in our relationship for the last 6 years, so when he told me that, I was very greatful and excited to see where our relationship would evolve to next.
Saturday comes and his mom and dad come over to celebrate his mother's birthday. He ignores me, which is weird because usually he will include me in the conversation, but he didn't even talk to me, it was like I was invisible. I talked him later about it and he said he didn't notice. Ok, whatever, so I got over it.
Sunday is Mother's Day. He get's up and hand's me a vase with two roses in it and a card the kids drew me the night before and say's "these are from the kids". The kids are still in bed. I told him thank you and asked him when he got them. He said he got it the day before, but their not from him, their from the kids. Yeah, I got it. So my daughter get's up around noon and crawls up on the bed and watched tv. About an hour later she asks if we were going out to eat. My husband say's that there was no reason to go out and we were eating at home. Nice, huh? So my daughter say's that it's Mother's Day. oh, yeah, i guesse that could be a reason. A little later my daughter get's mad at me for something and my husband say's "don't argue with your mother, it's Mother's Day." But it was the tone he used, like he was enforcing something he really didn't want to do. They day goes on and my youngest wakes up and dous his morning rituals. We finally leave for the day to go shopping. My husband reminds my son to wish me a Happy Mother's Day, and my son starts crying because he forgot. Again, the tone in his voice seemed almost resentful . My husband starts having some pain so we take him home. I go out and get a movie at blockbuster and some McDonalds for everyone. I bring the food home and make him his plate, serve him in bed because I know he's in pain and he starts yelling at me because he wanted hot mustard not honey mustard. REALLY???  All day I felt unvalidated as a mother, a wife or even a human being. It's been awhile since I have felt that low. I know that there are things going on and all I wanted was a heartfelt hug and kiss from my kids, but I guesse that was to much to ask from anyone. I never even got a :Happy Mother's Day from any of my kids, it was like noone cared and so I stopped caring to. So much so I vowed never to celebrate this stupid ass holiday again. And the most I got from my husband was , "It didn't feel like Mother's Day" , it's like saying " I know it's your birthday but it dousn't feel like your birthday so we're not going to celebrate it this year. You know, I know is probebly sounds like I'm whining and crying over nothing, but I guesse the hurt came because there was no heart behind anything done yesterday. So I went to bed waiting for the day to be over.
Today seemed to start off ok, in fact everything seemed to go back to normal until bedtime. I put the kids to bed and I was using my husband's laptop while mine was charging. I have a faulty cord and can't be moved around. Anyway's, his was plugged in but apparently the plug didn't work and his battery began to die. He had already turned out all of the lights so I went fishing for the cord but thought it was plugged in the outlet, i didn't know he put it on an extension cord. So I'm fumbling around trying to find the right cord and he's getting pissed off at me because I couldn't find it. The problem was that I couldn't see anything. But it's not that he got frustrated, but he said some pretty hurtful things that made me feel stupid and again, unvalidated.
What happend to all shit he was spuwing last week? I know he is on pain medications and I am sure this has alot to do with it, but it still hurts because I have never known him to be so callous or to yell at me and say such harsh things. I'm so hurt and I can feel the walls going back up. This isn't going to draw us closer if I do this, but I never thought that I would have to. I'm starting to become numb inside because it hurts so bad.
But the point to this whole long drawn out post is to simply realize that this is nothing new, this is the pattern of my life. Once I make a decision to  open my heart , whether it be goals, dreams or to a person , soon after all hell breaks loose. It's like some strange force say's "ok, now I know what you want and I'm going to sabotage everything for you". I can't seem to get a break, it's a vicious cycle that never ends. It just keeps pushing and pushing and keep pushing back, but I am beginning to seriously doubt everything I have known. Pushing dousn't seem to help any, but if I allow the water's to flow, I will drown in despair.
IDK, I DON'T KNOW WHY THINGS ALWAYS CHANGE AND HEAVEN SEEMS TO TURN TO HELL OVERNIGHT. Maybe it's just me, maybe I'm cursed, maybe I  just need to see if my husband is asleep yet so I can go to bed myself.