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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Last night was another rough night. I had another nightmare. I dreamt that my husband were going to bed and my son walks in. Next thing I know all the neighborhood kids were in our room. I started seeing shadows on the wall, orbs flying around and things moving. Suddenly the lights went out and I gathered all the kids together and instinctively I placed a protective shield around us. Inside the shield, the kids were in like a type of trance and i told them to place another shield around themselves individually. It was strange because I have never done that in a dream before. It almost felt like a conscious act. The spirit activity was getting insanely active as more obs shot across the room, shadows were everywhere, moving around, but they couldn't get to me or the kids. Another daughter walked in and said that one her friend's parents were in the living room. I went out to talk to them and they were dropping off both their daughter and son for a sleepover. I didn't want to take them. I already felt overwhelmed by all the kids already there and having to protect them. Next thing I know, there are several more kids there and I remember thinking that there was no way I would be able to protect them all. The shadows and obs were now chaotic in the living room and kitchen, yet the parents never even noticed. Some parents dumped their kids off at my house and left. The first set I saw sat in our living room and watched tv oblivious to everything going on. More and more kids kept coming. It was so out of control. I told my daughter to start sending this kids home. It was after 11:52 pm and the kids had school the next day. But more kept coming until the house was filled with neighbor kids. The more kids that that came, the worse the spiritual activity. finally I hear sirens outside and it is the fire department putting a fire out in my bedroom through the window. They told me that noone was hurt but none could leave because it was a criminal investigation. I woke up scared, searching for the shadows on my wall.
I have had spirit dreams in the past, this is nothing new, but they often leave me waking up terrified of the supernaural. I am proud that I was able to put the shield up in my dream. Spirit dreams for me often are about spirits trying to communicate. In this case, these were a combination of uncrossed spirits and lower realm entities. The activity has been building, and I have been meaning to cleanse, I guess this is my warning to do so soon!
I used to have lucid dreams when  was a kid. I wasn't able to control what I dreamt but I was able o control the dream itself, make conscious statements and action in a sub-conscous world. I thought i had lost that ability but I guess not.
I am wondering what the dream means. The only thing I can think of was earlier yesterday evening, I found out about the eclipse for today. I wanted to magickally embrace the energy to make some positive changes in my life. I also wanted to gain more psychic power being that I feel I have been in a rut. I was thinking about creating the ritual but figured I would simply ask. Ask and you shall receive. I think my desire opened that door for me, because in my dream, I could see them, all of them. Some it was through their actions, some orbs and some shadows. I never saw faces, but I could pin-point each one ,making it easier for me to get a sense of how many. I know there are some here, it's harder to pin-point them. I know I am not taking the proper time to read the energies. My conscious mind seems so cluttred with work and day to day stuff that anything lately seems almost impossible to tap into.
It's like i go to work and there are people around me all day. Everything is always so loud. Background noise, alot of activity, people talking, yelling, and everything else under the sun. I channel this energy into doing my job in front of me trying to block the rest of the stuff going on around me. But i still lack stillness. When I get home, my husband wants to talk, the kids want to hang out, tv's going, internet going and no matter what I do i just can't seem to get any quiet time alone. I don't blame anyone for this, but I know it strongly contributes to my block. I guess I depend on these dreams more then I realize.
My day's off are always the hardest. I usually have to much time to think about my life and how it's not where I feel it should be. I hate Arizona, I always have. I hate only having two seasons. I hate never having any money to go out and do things that I want to do. I feel trapped. We all do. I don't have any real direction in my life. I feel that there is a purpose with the gifts I have, but it doesn't bring us any financial gain. Not that I expect payment from the supernatural world, but it's hard to put the time and energy into my calling when I don't have hardly any left at the end of the day. The days seems to run in together and I feel that we are never moving forward. I know my husband feels the same. With his back, we just need him healed. It's that simple. It's so hard to balance everything.
So,back to the dream, what does it mean? Well, there are a whole lot of children and parents who don't seem to give a crap in our neighborhood. Their kids are always coming to our house to play with our kids. I bring them in when they are locked out of their house so they can call their parents. If they are not home, I let them hang out until their parents gets home. It bother's me though. I was kind of latch key kid myself, but I was always able to get in the house. And I was older, middle school. Some of these kids are like 8. So I understand the kids part and needing them to protect them. i also understand that the shadows and stuff could represent apathetic parents. So the theme, I got. But the energy I don't. It was fear. Fear of the spirits.